When it comes to employment news today, there are some reasons for gloom. The December 07 employment report showed the lowest non-farm payroll gain since 2003. Meanwhile, the Writer’s Guild strike is keeping us all a little less entertained and with fewer late-night laughs.
But amid the humorless gloom is continued good news for IT professionals. The trends that made IT professionals hot-ticket hires in 2007 are predicted to continue through 2008. Unemployment remains very low among IT professionals, which means the field of skilled candidates is very narrow. As the article “No Break Seen in the IT Talent Wars” on CIO.com points out: “Ongoing business expansion and increased reliance on technology are resulting in a strong demand for IT professionals with real-world experience.”
Talented, experienced IT professionals should have no problem finding good opportunities in the months ahead, especially with the help of talent experts--like perhaps Harvey Nash:-).
Businesses and their CIOs also will continue to experience the war for IT talent as one of their primary challenges for 2008.